Sunday, July 13, 2008

I'm back...

It's been crazy as asual. I've almost got all my yard work done for this summer, just weeding and watering is left. My greenhouse is full of veggies and we are eating fresh veggies from the garden.
Wyatt has been going stircrazy! he fractured his wrist a few weeks ago, and can't wait to go mountin biking with his buds.
Darby and I've been scrappin' together alot in the evenings. She's also been working out on her grammas farm, to earn money to buy a dirtbike! Crazy girl.
I went to an estate auction yesterday and bought a few little treasures, no idea were I'll put them. But I just HAD to have them.
I wish we had antique flee markets here like they do in the States. Even so good antique stores, there's really nothing here or in P.G.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Love your new pictures!
Ooh - I wanted to go to that estate sale but, was busy with my well pump.. glad you found something!