Thursday, May 1, 2008

Spring might be here!

Today was so nice, it was warm and sunny.
My hubby took the day of work today so we spent time
doing some yard work. Rex hung the wire in my greenhouse for me and
I cleaned out all my flower beds. then I went to work on reorganizing my greenhouse.
Rex took me out for a ride in his beloved Mustang, to get some icecream. (yum, yum) Then to the greenhouses, they opened today. I bought some yellow tomato plants .
My two yorkies spent the hole day outside with us , they are so sweet.
Now they are waiting for me to goto bed and snuggle them.
So Im off to bed.


Jenny said...

Sure sounds like you had a great day! More to come as soon once the weather stays warmer, longer!

Daurella said...

to lazy to email -- but 2peas is doing a contest with Maya Road -- check out 2peas home page -- deadline is May 11 and I know you have loads to contribute -- how bout the scrapfest album, that was a MR album right???? The contest is for a MR mini album to display at CHA -- how cool would that be!!

Take care, I'm off to work and then teaching tonite.