Sunday, April 27, 2008

I'm Back...

from Disneyland. We had a great trip, the weather was nice and warm and we all came home a little sunburnt.
We spent our first day at Knotts Berry Farm, the roller costers there are sooo FAST and SCARRY I allmost peed my pants ! The others Loved it.
My hubby spent some time at the largest Ford Mustang show that was taking place at Knotts. He was drooling!

We spent a few days at the Disneyland parks and a day at Newport Beach.
It was a really great holiday, it was extra special because my brother and his ... looong time girlfriend some day to be my sister-in-law came with us.
It was a holiday we won't so forget.

1 comment:

Daurella said...

Nice to have you back but ummm, more posts please!! Let's see some of those fantastic layouts you're working on....